Fall 2024

Kankin Kuiki Level X - donghua anime - animexin

Kankin Kuiki Level X

? episodes · ONA Lockdown Zone: Lv. X, Lockdown Zone: Level X, 監禁区域レベルX

Ryoka is awakened by flurry of text messages from her mother! Panicked and rushed, Mom is clearly concerned for Ryoka's safety, but she is not too keen on letting her daughter know why. Her reasoning being that nothing could really properly describe what is happening!

The world might be ending! And there might be a massive new life-form on the roof of their apartment building!

(Source: Denpa)

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One Way or Another - donghua anime - animexin

One Way or Another

? episodes · ONA 永生第四季

Watch online full hd One Way or Another stream , 永生第四季 multi subtitles on animexin.net for free and enjoy the story of this chinese anime donghua.

Characters and Plot


In the Chaotian Continent, Jing Jiu lives a quiet life in the mountains until he unexpectedly takes Liu Shisui, a naturally gifted Taoist, as his servant. Together, they join the Qingshan Sect, but their odd master-servant relationship draws attention. Despite being ordinary, Jing Jiu shocks everyone by keeping the extraordinary Liu Shisui at his side. During the Chengjian Conference, they meet Zhao Layue, a mysterious girl from Shenmo Peak. Jing Jiu, who just wants to practice in peace, finds himself entangled in a massive conflict that could reshape the world. As fate intervenes, their journey takes them far beyond the green mountains.


Di Benua Chaotian, Jing Jiu menjalani kehidupan yang tenang di pegunungan sampai dia tiba-tiba mengambil Liu Shisui, seorang Tao yang berbakat alami, sebagai pelayannya. Bersama-sama, mereka bergabung dengan Sekte Qingshan, namun hubungan tuan-pelayan mereka yang aneh menarik perhatian. Meski biasa saja, Jing Jiu mengejutkan semua orang dengan menjaga Liu Shisui yang luar biasa di sisinya. Selama Konferensi Chengjian, mereka bertemu Zhao Layue, seorang gadis misterius dari Puncak Shenmo. Jing Jiu, yang hanya ingin berlatih dengan damai, mendapati dirinya terjerat dalam konflik besar yang dapat mengubah dunia. Saat takdir turun tangan, perjalanan mereka membawa mereka jauh melampaui pegunungan hijau.

One Way or Another Subtitle Indonesia, English, Portuguese, Turkish, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Arabic, Thai, German, Bangla

One Way or Another Release Date

One Way or Another will air on April 23, 2023. It is a Sunday anime series by Bilibili. The new episode will be out at 10 am in China. Global anime fans keep track of the time zone details to enjoy the latest episode of One Way or Another.

Where to watch One Way or Another ?

Episodes of One Way or Another are available through the Bilibili app. The MadeByBilibili YouTube channel has episodes of One Way or Another available for viewing. For now, fans can watch it on Animexin here.

Similar Donghua anime, Animexin, Lucifer Donghua You May Be Interested In:
Shadow of Heaven - donghua anime - animexin

Shadow of Heaven

? episodes · ONA 天影

Watch online full hd Shadow of Heaven stream , 天影 multi subtitles on animexin.net for free and enjoy the story of this chinese anime donghua.

Characters and Plot


Lu Chen, an undercover agent from the Floating Cloud Bureau, loses his powers after being cursed while thwarting the Demon Sect’s spell. After ten years of exile, his master, Tian Lan, reappears and tasks him with infiltrating the Kunlun Sect to find a spy and restore the Five Elements Divine Disk. During his mission, Lu Chen discovers friendship and love with Yi Xin, while uncovering the secrets of Kunlun, including that the sealed black dragon isn’t evil and that Tian Lan has ulterior motives. Conflicted, Lu Chen, with Yi Xin’s support, decides to follow his heart and do what is truly right, beyond the divide of good and evil.

Lu Chen, seorang agen yang menyamar dari Biro Awan Mengambang, kehilangan kekuatannya setelah dikutuk saat menggagalkan mantra Sekte Iblis. Setelah sepuluh tahun diasingkan, gurunya, Tian Lan, muncul kembali dan menugaskannya untuk menyusup ke dalam Sekte Kunlun untuk menemukan mata-mata dan mengembalikan Cakram Ilahi Lima Elemen. Selama misinya, Lu Chen menemukan persahabatan dan cinta dengan Yi Xin, sambil mengungkap rahasia Kunlun, termasuk bahwa naga hitam yang tersegel itu tidak jahat dan Tian Lan memiliki motif tersembunyi. Dalam konflik, Lu Chen, dengan dukungan Yi Xin, memutuskan untuk mengikuti kata hatinya dan melakukan apa yang benar-benar benar, di luar batas antara yang baik dan yang jahat.
Shadow of Heaven Subtitle Indonesia, English, Portuguese, Turkish, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Arabic, Thai, German, Bangla

Shadow of Heaven Release Date

Shadow of Heaven will air on April 23, 2023. It is a Sunday anime series by Bilibili. The new episode will be out at 10 am in China. Global anime fans keep track of the time zone details to enjoy the latest episode of Shadow of Heaven.

Where to watch Shadow of Heaven ?

Episodes of Shadow of Heaven are available through the Bilibili app. The MadeByBilibili YouTube channel has episodes of Shadow of Heaven available for viewing. For now, fans can watch it on Animexin here.

Similar Donghua anime, Animexin, Lucifer Donghua You May Be Interested In:
Tiger Crane - donghua anime - animexin

Tiger Crane

? episodes · ONA 虎x鹤妖师录

Watch online full hd Tiger Crane stream , 虎x鹤妖师录 multi subtitles on animexin.net for free and enjoy the story of this chinese anime donghua.

Characters and Plot


This is a story about the poor, forthright and sincere Hu Zi and the rich, unapproachable, kind-hearted Qi Xiaoxuan. As an old saying goes, “No discord, no concord”, they gradually become best friends though they disliked each other at first. Together with some kind foodies and sophisticated guys, they finally uncover the imperial demon master’s conspiracy, and kill the demon to defend human justice.


Ini adalah kisah tentang Hu Zi yang miskin, terus terang dan tulus dan Qi Xiaoxuan yang kaya, sulit didekati, dan baik hati. Seperti pepatah lama mengatakan, “Tidak ada perselisihan, tidak ada kerukunan”, mereka berangsur-angsur menjadi teman baik meskipun pada awalnya mereka tidak menyukai satu sama lain. Bersama dengan beberapa pecinta kuliner dan orang-orang yang canggih, mereka akhirnya mengungkap konspirasi master iblis kekaisaran, dan membunuh iblis untuk membela keadilan manusia.

Tiger Crane Subtitle Indonesia, English, Portuguese, Turkish, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Arabic, Thai, German, Bangla

Tiger Crane Release Date

Tiger Crane will air on April 23, 2023. It is a Sunday anime series by Bilibili. The new episode will be out at 10 am in China. Global anime fans keep track of the time zone details to enjoy the latest episode of Tiger Crane.

Where to watch Tiger Crane ?

Episodes of Tiger Crane are available through the Bilibili app. The MadeByBilibili YouTube channel has episodes of Tiger Crane available for viewing. For now, fans can watch it on Animexin here.

Similar Donghua anime, Animexin, Lucifer Donghua You May Be Interested In:
Urban Ancient Immortal Doctor - donghua anime - animexin

Urban Ancient Immortal Doctor

? episodes · ONA 都市古仙医

Watch online full hd Urban Ancient Immortal Doctor stream , 都市古仙医 multi subtitles on animexin.net for free and enjoy the story of this chinese anime donghua.

Characters and Plot


Urban Ancient Immortal Doctor – In order to finance his mother’s treatment, Ye Bufan, a junior student, unexpectedly met a female driver who didn’t follow the rules. After the accident, Ye Bufan accidentally traveled to a fantasy world, obtained the inheritance of ancient medicine, and has since become proficient in medical skills, practicing those skills and winning the hearts of countless beautiful women.


Urban Ancient Immortal Doctor – Untuk membiayai pengobatan ibunya, Ye Bufan, seorang siswa junior, tiba-tiba bertemu dengan seorang pengemudi wanita yang tidak mengikuti aturan. Setelah kecelakaan itu, Ye Bufan secara tidak sengaja melakukan perjalanan ke dunia fantasi, memperoleh warisan pengobatan kuno, dan sejak itu menjadi mahir dalam keterampilan medis, melatih keterampilan tersebut dan memenangkan hati wanita cantik yang tak terhitung jumlahnya.

Urban Ancient Immortal Doctor Subtitle Indonesia, English, Portuguese, Turkish, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Arabic, Thai, German, Bangla

Urban Ancient Immortal Doctor Release Date

Urban Ancient Immortal Doctor will air on April 23, 2023. It is a Sunday anime series by Bilibili. The new episode will be out at 10 am in China. Global anime fans keep track of the time zone details to enjoy the latest episode of Urban Ancient Immortal Doctor.

Where to watch Urban Ancient Immortal Doctor ?

Episodes of Urban Ancient Immortal Doctor are available through the Bilibili app. The MadeByBilibili YouTube channel has episodes of Urban Ancient Immortal Doctor available for viewing. For now, fans can watch it on Animexin here.

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