Fall 2023

Spirits in Chinese Brushes - donghua anime - animexin

Spirits in Chinese Brushes

? episodes · ONA 傲世九重天

Watch online full hd Spirits in Chinese Brushes stream , 傲世九重天 multi subtitles on animexin.net for free and enjoy the story of Spirits in Chinese Brushes

Spirits in Chinese Brushes Characters and Plot


Two thousand years ago, the descendants of the Yin-Yang Family felt they could do nothing when the Efang Palace caught fire and burned the books of the scholar Qin Shi Huang. So that their talents would not be wasted, they began to condense the spirits of scholars into pens when they died, to ensure that their talents would be passed on to the next generation. Two thousand years later, Luo Zhongxia, an ordinary college student, accidentally obtained Li Bai’s Green Lotus Remnant Pen. Since then, he has had supernatural powers brought by the pen spirit. However, the good times did not last long, as many forces were attracted to the power of the Green Lotus Remnant Pen, which put Luo Zhongxia in danger many times. In order to avoid disputes, Luo Zhongxia looked for a method to stop the pen, but gradually became frustrated, and instead he started a relationship with the “Record of the Seven Sovereigns”.


Dua ribu tahun yang lalu, keturunan Keluarga Yin-Yang merasa tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa saat Istana Efang terbakar dan membakar buku-buku cendikiawan Qin Shi Huang. Agar bakat-nya tidak hilang secara sia-sia, mereka mulai memadatkan roh para cendikiawan ke dalam pena saat mereka meninggal dunia, untuk memastikan bahwa bakat mereka akan diwariskan ke generasi berikutnya. Dua ribu tahun kemudian, Luo Zhongxia, seorang mahasiswa biasa, secara tidak sengaja mendapatkan Pena Sisa Teratai Hijau milik Li Bai. Sejak saat itu, dia memiliki kekuatan supernatural yang dibawa oleh roh pena tersebut. Namun, saat-saat indah tidak berlangsung lama, karena banyak kekuatan yang tertarik pada kekuatan Pena Sisa Teratai Hijau, yang membuat Luo Zhongxia berada dalam bahaya berkali-kali. Untuk menghindari perselisihan, Luo Zhongxia mencari metode untuk menghentikan pena tersebut, namun perlahan ia mengalami frustasi, dan sebagai gantinya ia memulai hubungan dengan “Catatan Tujuh Penguasa”.

Spirits in Chinese Brushes Release Date

Spirits in Chinese Brushes will air on April 23, 2023. It is a Sunday anime series by Bilibili. The new episode will be out at 10 am in China. Global anime fans keep track of the time zone details to enjoy the latest episode of Spirits in Chinese Brushes.

Where to watch Spirits in Chinese Brushes ?

Episodes of Spirits in Chinese Brushes are available through the Bilibili app. The MadeByBilibili YouTube channel has episodes of Spirits in Chinese Brushes available for viewing. For now, fans can watch it on Animexin here.

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Spirits in Chinese Brushes

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The Abyss Game - donghua anime - animexin

The Abyss Game

? episodes · ONA Ye Feng の栄光の復讐

Watch online full hd The Abyss Game stream , Ye Feng の栄光の復讐 multi subtitles on animexin.net for free and enjoy the story of The Abyss Game

The Abyss Game Characters and Plot


Qiao Jingting, having unexpectedly enter the abyss game to avoid enslavement, forms an alliance with the vengeful veteran player Shu Ai and the mysterious youth Bai Er against the evil ruler Han Bin and his organization, Heart Moon Fox. After a life-and-death struggle, just when they believe they are about to achieve victory, they discover they have fallen into Han Bin’s trap, facing a desperate situation. Even more frightening is that with this failure, the trust among the three quickly collapses. In a critical moment, the arrival of the super expert and rough man Zou Yidao changes the power dynamics in the entire novice village and brings a glimmer of hope for escape to Qiao Jingting and his companions. Unfortunately, the trio soon realizes that Zou Yidao, who managed to escape the crisis, seems to lack a clear sense of good and evil compared to Han Bin and only cares about his own goals. Moreover, at this moment, he seems to have reached some kind of “deal” with Han Bin. In the increasing despair, Qiao Jingting and his companions keenly perceive the true nature hidden beneath Zou Yidao’s “playful” appearance, and through this, they sense the irreconcilable contradictions between Han Bin and Zou Yidao. Seizing the opportunity, they unite with Zou Yidao and ultimately defeat Han Bin. However, what Qiao Jingting and the others never expected is that just as they leave the novice village ready to showcase their abilities, they encounter a series of threats in the outside world far more formidable than those brought by the once powerful Han Bin, posing an unknown multiple of enormous crises.


Qiao Jingting, yang secara tak terduga memasuki permainan jurang maut untuk menghindari perbudakan, membentuk aliansi dengan pemain veteran pendendam Shu Ai dan pemuda misterius Bai Er melawan penguasa jahat Han Bin dan organisasinya, Heart Moon Fox. Setelah perjuangan hidup dan mati, saat mereka yakin akan meraih kemenangan, mereka menyadari bahwa mereka telah jatuh ke dalam perangkap Han Bin, menghadapi situasi yang menyedihkan. Yang lebih menakutkan lagi adalah dengan kegagalan ini, kepercayaan di antara ketiganya dengan cepat runtuh. Di saat kritis, kedatangan pria super ahli dan kasar Zou Yidao mengubah dinamika kekuatan di seluruh desa pemula dan membawa secercah harapan untuk melarikan diri ke Qiao Jingting dan teman-temannya. Sayangnya, ketiganya segera menyadari bahwa Zou Yidao, yang berhasil lolos dari krisis, tampaknya kurang memiliki pemahaman yang jelas tentang baik dan jahat dibandingkan dengan Han Bin dan hanya peduli pada tujuannya sendiri. Terlebih lagi, saat ini, dia sepertinya telah mencapai semacam “kesepakatan” dengan Han Bin. Dalam keputusasaan yang semakin meningkat, Qiao Jingting dan teman-temannya dengan tajam memahami sifat sebenarnya yang tersembunyi di balik penampilan Zou Yidao yang “menyenangkan”, dan melalui ini, mereka merasakan kontradiksi yang tidak dapat didamaikan antara Han Bin dan Zou Yidao. Memanfaatkan kesempatan tersebut, mereka bersatu dengan Zou Yidao dan akhirnya mengalahkan Han Bin. Namun, apa yang tidak pernah diharapkan oleh Qiao Jingting dan yang lainnya adalah ketika mereka meninggalkan desa pemula siap untuk menunjukkan kemampuan mereka, mereka menghadapi serangkaian ancaman di dunia luar yang jauh lebih hebat daripada ancaman yang dibawa oleh Han Bin yang dulunya kuat, yang menimbulkan ancaman. beberapa krisis besar yang tidak diketahui.

The Abyss Game Release Date

The Abyss Game will air on April 23, 2023. It is a Sunday anime series by Bilibili. The new episode will be out at 10 am in China. Global anime fans keep track of the time zone details to enjoy the latest episode of The Abyss Game.

Where to watch The Abyss Game ?

Episodes of The Abyss Game are available through the Bilibili app. The MadeByBilibili YouTube channel has episodes of The Abyss Game available for viewing. For now, fans can watch it on Animexin here.

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The Abyss Game

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The Proud Emperor of Eternity - donghua anime - animexin

The Proud Emperor of Eternity

? episodes · ONA 绝世武魂

Watch online full hd The Proud Emperor of Eternity stream , 绝世武魂 multi subtitles on animexin.net for free and enjoy the story of The Proud Emperor of Eternity

The Proud Emperor of Eternity Characters and Plot


Waking up the palm of his hand to kill with his sword, lying drunk on the knees of a beautiful woman, a generation of mad emperors was reborn against the will of heaven. Chu Kuangsheng lived in Shiyang City, a remote city in the Shenlong Empire. He was the son of the head of the Chu family in Shiyang City. He was born weak and unable to practice, and became a joke for the entire Shiyang City. Three years ago, Chu Kuangsheng’s parents were away on business and both of them disappeared and their whereabouts were unknown. Chu Liu’er, the older sister who was supposed to succeed the head of the Chu family, was also suffering from a strange illness. Since then, Chu Kuangsheng’s situation has become increasingly difficult. In an accident, Chu Kuangsheng inherited the secrets of the Chu family’s ancestors and reshaped his meridians. Since then, Chu Kuangsheng’s cultivation has progressed rapidly. On the surface, he is cowardly and incompetent, but his other identity is that he is a world-famous expert in madness. Chu Kuangsheng discovered that the clan eldest elder’s collusion with outsiders seemed to be related to his parents’ disappearance. In order not to alert others, Chu Kuangsheng used the identity of Kuangzun to secretly befriend heroes, gather strength, and search for information. He has one face and two identities. After eliminating the traitors in his family, in order to find out the truth behind his parents’ disappearance, Chu Kuangsheng walked out of the small town of Shiyang and went to the Four Spirits Academy to study under his teacher and follow his instructions. Chu Kuangsheng swung his sword to cut down enemies, fought against the heroes of the Nine Heavens, and became famous in the universe. I am the master of thousands of realms.


Membangunkan telapak tangannya untuk membunuh dengan pedangnya, terbaring mabuk di atas lutut seorang wanita cantik, generasi kaisar gila terlahir kembali melawan kehendak surga. Chu Kuangsheng tinggal di Kota Shiyang, sebuah kota terpencil di Kekaisaran Shenlong. Dia adalah putra dari kepala keluarga Chu di Kota Shiyang. Ia terlahir lemah dan tidak bisa berlatih, dan menjadi lelucon bagi seluruh Kota Shiyang. Tiga tahun lalu, orang tua Chu Kuangsheng sedang pergi untuk urusan bisnis dan keduanya menghilang dan keberadaan mereka tidak diketahui. Chu Liu’er, kakak perempuan yang seharusnya menggantikan kepala keluarga Chu, juga menderita penyakit aneh. Sejak itu, situasi Chu Kuangsheng menjadi semakin sulit. Dalam suatu kecelakaan, Chu Kuangsheng mewarisi rahasia leluhur keluarga Chu dan membentuk kembali meridiannya. Sejak itu, budidaya Chu Kuangsheng mengalami kemajuan pesat. Di permukaan, dia pengecut dan tidak kompeten, tetapi identitas lainnya adalah dia adalah seorang ahli gila yang terkenal di dunia. Chu Kuangsheng menemukan bahwa kolusi tetua tertua klan dengan orang luar tampaknya terkait dengan hilangnya orang tuanya. Agar tidak mengingatkan orang lain, Chu Kuangsheng menggunakan identitas Kuangzun untuk diam-diam berteman dengan pahlawan, mengumpulkan kekuatan, dan mencari informasi. Dia memiliki satu wajah dan dua identitas. Setelah membasmi pengkhianat di keluarganya, untuk mengetahui kebenaran di balik hilangnya orang tuanya, Chu Kuangsheng berjalan keluar dari kota kecil Shiyang dan pergi ke Akademi Empat Roh untuk belajar di bawah bimbingan gurunya dan mengikuti petunjuknya. Chu Kuangsheng mengayunkan pedangnya untuk menebas musuh, berperang melawan para pahlawan Sembilan Surga, dan menjadi terkenal di alam semesta. Saya adalah penguasa ribuan alam.

The Proud Emperor of Eternity Release Date

The Proud Emperor of Eternity will air on April 23, 2023. It is a Sunday anime series by Bilibili. The new episode will be out at 10 am in China. Global anime fans keep track of the time zone details to enjoy the latest episode of The Proud Emperor of Eternity.

Where to watch The Proud Emperor of Eternity ?

Episodes of The Proud Emperor of Eternity are available through the Bilibili app. The MadeByBilibili YouTube channel has episodes of The Proud Emperor of Eternity available for viewing. For now, fans can watch it on Animexin here.

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The Proud Emperor of Eternity

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Thirty-six cavalry - donghua anime - animexin

Thirty-six cavalry

? episodes · ONA 三十六騎兵

Watch online full hd Thirty-six cavalry stream , 三十六騎兵 multi subtitles on animexin.net for free and enjoy the story of Thirty-six cavalry

Thirty-six cavalry Characters and Plot

Watch full episodes Thirty-six cavalry, download Thirty-six cavalry english subbed, Thirty-six cavalry eng sub, download Thirty-six cavalry eng sub, stream Thirty-six cavalry at AnimeXin.


Status: Ongoing Network: blibli, Youku Studio: CG Year Released: Oct 09, 2023 Duration: 15 Minutes Season: Fall 2023 Country: China Type: ONA Episodes: 13 Fansub: AnimeXin Posted by: AnimeXin Released on: October 11, 2023 Updated on: December 6, 2023
Watch streaming Thirty-six cavalry English Subbed on AnimeXin. You can also download free Thirty-six cavalry Eng Sub, don’t forget to watch online streaming of various quality 720P 360P 240P 480P according to your connection to save internet quota, Thirty-six cavalry on AnimeXin MP4 MKV hardsub softsub English subbed is already contained in the video.

Thirty-six cavalry Release Date

Thirty-six cavalry will air on April 23, 2023. It is a Sunday anime series by Bilibili. The new episode will be out at 10 am in China. Global anime fans keep track of the time zone details to enjoy the latest episode of Thirty-six cavalry.

Where to watch Thirty-six cavalry ?

Episodes of Thirty-six cavalry are available through the Bilibili app. The MadeByBilibili YouTube channel has episodes of Thirty-six cavalry available for viewing. For now, fans can watch it on Animexin here.

Read more info in the anime donghua blog and news session

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Thirty-six cavalry

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